Tag Archives: time travel

Timepath: Nature Abhors a Paradox


For the past year, inspired by my grandfather, J. W. Hale, I’ve been attempting to reinvent myself as a novelist. As an avid reader, I always wanted to write novels, and had made various unsuccessful attempts over the years. Finally, I realized that, at nearly age 24 °C, I had better get busy if I were ever to write my novel.Time travel has always fascinated me and my own time travel novel was first on my bucket list of writing. I collected my pieces and snips and began writing my novel. It was a disaster–too much engineer, bad habits, and ignorance of organization. I signed up for several online novel writing classes and submitted many rough drafts and samples for criticism.

And now, I have finished my novel! “Timepath: Nature Abhors a Paradox” is entirely different from the novel I first imagined, but I can put a big check mark on my bucket list!

The paperback version is on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09LGV94RL

The ebook version is on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09LSM6YLC

“Timepath: Nature Abhors a Paradox”

When Greg learns that his romantic interest, Anne, is actually his sixth great-granddaughter and is susceptible to breast cancer, he joins an experimental time travel project based on the twisted string theory of time. Although his official mission is to be briefly transported to 1810, his personal mission is to remain and administer a cancer preventative. The time travel team is baffled by Greg’s disappearance and attempts to discover the reason. Anne remains in 2022 and defends Greg’s reputation. Greg and Anne devise a method for Greg to save artifacts, letters, and photographs from the early 1800s where he must learn to live. They each make a time capsule to record their lives.